Monday, 23 September 2013

Stepping into Autumn

I wrote last time about the importance of choosing one herb at a time as we begin opening to the plants. This month I would like to incorporate a broader perspective which encompasses every area of our life which I choose to call Herbal Living, especially since we have just experienced the turning of the wheel....the beginning of Autumn.  

You might discover as I write these articles that often the ideas and thoughts flow through me like waves washing over the rocks at the edge of a shore. There are definitely times where we focus on the smaller waves/ the day to day details of life; viewing things from a very simplistic standpoint, however, waves do come washing in that are much larger and all encompassing. These are just as important to honour and pay attention to.

In my life it is paramount for me to adhere to Life Herself and parallel my movements with the cycles of nature. This might be in honouring the shifting of the moon and rising and setting of the sun each day or it could be checking in where I personally sit in the turning of the wheel of the seasons. It might also be in comparing my own evolution to the cycle of life as it naturally evolves. Often in the past I had to learn to ground myself as my self-will; my ego,  attempted to seize the idea of immediate gratification and pull me into a whirlwind of activity and perpetual motion. Frequently I found myself making attempts to push things and force them to happen before their time.

Life Herself has much to teach us in the way we choose to move and take our next step forward. 

One such way is to stop and contemplate at the turning of the wheel at the Sabbats. To some these are holidays and weekends off or perhaps just a change in the weather. For others, however, these Sabbats are great moments of time to stop and assess where we are on the wheel; to celebrate, contemplate and give gratitude. Different Sabbats gift us with significant checkmarks, similar to an inukshuk placed in the middle of a vast field.This past week we have entered the time of the Fall Equinox or Mabon.

I found a couple great quotes explaining the essence of this time;

“This is a moment of perfect balance, for day and night are equal. Mabon is the ritual of rejoicing in the richness of the earth, and the power of the Sun, without which we could not live. It is the time to give thanks for their gifts and rejoice in the bounty we have harvested for ourselves in our work, our relationships, our spiritual journeys. This is also the time we reflect upon those aspects of our lives that no longer serve our growth and happiness and we let go of them so we may continue to grow.”                                                                     (“Witch Crafting” Phyllis Curott )

“....We take the time to give thanks for that which we have achieved. Like the grain gathered in the harvest and stored for the following spring, each achievement can be seen as the seed for the coming year’s activities” (“The Wicca Handbook” by Sheena Morgan)

In my own life I see this being paralleled in many different layers. As I grow In my business I give thanks for all the support, love and insight I have received since its birth in the early spring. I stop and observe the seeds/ the new plants I have sown and look at how I am nurturing them. I am open to the feedback that I might be giving them too much water and food, that perhaps I should back off a little and allow them to grow at their natural pace. I remember that how I nurture my business is a mirror to how I might nurture a new baby, or a little seed that has emerged into this world. 

Learning to walk takes time. Growing is a slow, steady process. New life needs to be nourished, respected and blessed. For life to evolve abundantly and to its full potential it is imperative we honour the natural cycle of Life Herself. We have to start off as infants. We have to be a child before we are an adolescent. We cannot be a crone or wise one if we never experienced life.  

Its September; new courses, new programs, new classes, new, new, new. There seems to be a lot more running around in the last few weeks. Yet in nature's time it is actually the balance between night and day, the time just before the plants and animals begin to withdraw and go within. This is the way of our ancestors. It was a time to honour the gifts of the previous season, to gather the harvest and get ready for the winter months. Soon they would retreat into their homes and pray for the warmth to return.

Unfortunately, (or fortunately) this is not so realistic in these times in which we live, considering we do have grocery stores and jobs and such to account for and depend on. It is realistic, however, to tap into the ways of our ancestors in the small choices we make, in how we choose to move doing ordinary everyday things. There are many ways we can do this.

As this article’s intention is to share the teachings of the plants, one thing we can focus on is how you could incorporate the herbs into your life in such a way that is in tune with the turning of the wheel. Perhaps you can take an inventory of the equipment/tools in your kitchen that are necessary for creating herbal remedies. Are there things you need to get rid of (or give away) in order to start something new? If you have already begun, what will you take forth that is useful for herbal living as you step into this next season? Your windows will be closed soon, keeping out the cold of the winter months. Literally, you can wash away the old stagnant energy and make way for healthy vibrant living.

I would like to share a couple recipes for cleansers that I have found very effective, simple to make and completely natural. I obtained them from a video by Heather Nic an Fhleisdeir.

Rug and Upholstery Powder :
quart jar
2 cups borax

in a coffee grinder (used only for herbs!) grind 1 tbsp. lavender
  1 tbsp. wormwood
  2 tsp peppermint
add to borax
add one tsp lavender essential oil
(if have problem with fleas add ¼ cup salt)

Shake well until you see all essential oil clots broken up
Sprinkle on carpet/upholstery.
Leave on 24 hours and vacuum up.

Cleaner for sinks, porcelain, stainless steel, ceramic tile, and fibreglass:
In mason jar combine:
½ cup borax
½ cup baking soda
¼ cup salt
½ tsp clear alcohol
½ tsp juniper essential oil (mix with the alcohol before mixing in powder)

Shake and enjoy the benefits and wonderful aroma of the juniper!

These are just a couple ideas, there are actually a good number of great natural recipes out there. The whole point is to begin and set an intention to clear away old in such a way that supports vibrant health for yourself, your family and the earth.

I invite you to stop and contemplate; to be present for this time of the year, then from that place take the next little step to become aligned and one with all of Life that evolves within and around you. All it takes is one little step at a time.

Blessed Be!

To learn about other workshops/ offerings Ana can be reached on
facebook: the hearth of the witch
or her website:

Happy Mabon!

Thursday, 5 September 2013

"Opening to the World of Plants"

In my recent blog I shared with people how I was channeling my energy into talking more about herbs and sharing remedies and teachings from the plants themselves. I had never done this before and I had no idea where to just felt clear this was the path to follow. There is such a broad world to talk about and explore!  Someone suggested I speak from the heart and begin where I am, so this afternoon I went for a walk asking the plants themselves what they wanted me to share.

I ventured out and walked towards the woods just beyond the rail trail.  I met the willow with its broken limbs and bent trunk. I saw garlic mustard everywhere, some pretty little flowers that looked like dragons, dandelion leaves and wild lettuce. There was some queen anne's lace and a lot of goldenrod that has not come into bloom yet. I saw thistle with its tip of purple beauty crowning a stem of thorns and a giant burdock behind the garbage bin. Wild grape vines were sweeping all over the chain link fence with little yellow flowers peeking out the metal holes and motherwort scattered amongst them. Close to my door I was greeted by plantain and purslane.

So what were they saying? What do these plants want to tell me? Could it be they are saying, "Here we are, right in your own back yards, on your city streets. We are here to feed you and provide you with medicines you need!  We are everywhere! You just have to see and know us for who we are! We are not the “obnoxious” weeds that grow beside the garbage and the roadside. We have value, truly we do! The medicines and nutrients we have to offer are beyond measure. Just come out and see. Be with us. Just look and listen"

So, where do I begin? What shall I tell? I think about our relationships with the plants and I go back in my mind to my own journey with the plants. I have always had a relationship with the plants however I never truly saw them. They were like constant acquaintances that I might see every day. Some I talked to and said hi, others I sought for support and nurturing, and some I just admired their beauty.  I never truly sought them out to understand them at a deeper level until about 7 years ago. I wanted to know everything! I ran right out and started a course on Practical Herbalism. I was determined to learn these plants and know their medicine. I signed up for workshops and went to classes. I was going to know how to identify the plants and make my own remedies!

Well...I can certainly say that I have definitely learned a thing or two since that time.

I have done some studying with Susun Weed and she has said repeatedly how the best way to start is with one plant at a time. At the time I thought that was crazy. One at a time!? I was almost 50! I would be 80 years old before I learned anything! I now understand that bit of wisdom much more. Developing a relationship with the plants is somewhat similar to developing relationships with people. If you choose to meet 25 people at the same time you would know much less about them than if you met 1 or 2. Your level of intimacy would be dramatically different and you would have much less opportunity to understand the vast array of gifts and talents they might have to offer. You just wouldn't have the time to invest in the relationship. I would imagine the trust level between you would also be much stronger if you only met 1 or 2. 

Have you also ever considered the possibility that the plants may also 'choose' to share their gifts with you.... or not? Is it possible they also need a level of intimacy to show themselves? It may sound strange, however, if we are in fact all energy then would it not make sense that the more time you spend with someone and honor them the more they open and resonate with your vibration?

I invite you to consider it for a time and think about a plant that you have felt close to, one you love or have admired from afar.  Spend some time with it, sing or talk with it, sit, draw or meditate and really begin to listen and be with the plant. See what arises and notice a world opening up that you took for granted before.

I am noticing there is a world that is opening here as well. I feel like the plants have begun their teaching. I still have no set agenda about what I will share specifically from this point on; however, I have a feeling if I keep all my senses open that will become very clear. I am intrigued and excited to begin the journey and hope you are as well!

Enjoy your new found relationships!

For enquiries about workshops with the plants (and other services) Ana can be reached at: