Wednesday, 1 January 2014

The Beginnings of Birth for a New Year

And is the first morning of 2014. A new moon, a supermoon. I have felt the beginning of this shift since the turn of the wheel at the Solstice, perhaps even deeper, at Samhain.  Today, however, I feel the mass shift as we have now all moved through the transition.

Today, is the most peaceful I have ever felt on New Years day. Today, without consciously intending to I have awoken in a quiet deliberate way. The outside world is so still and quiet right now, free of the rushing and frantic noise of people purchasing their goods in the plaza across the way. Enya is playing softly in the background and as I look up I see a large flock of geese flying in formation. The candles burn brightly on each side of my computer, while turtle, spider, a symbol of Ganesh and an empty clay bowl sit in the space beside me.

As I sat in my wicker chair in the kitchen this morning; listening to the bubble of my oatmeal cooking, my senses felt so alive and awake. My cat Nallah lingering on the edge of the chair licking her paws and Bella (my Bijon) laying quietly on the floor. The smell of the oats and aroma of the herbs, the love I feel for my girls (as I look at the pictures of them on my fridge) are vibrant within my body. I see how time has passed as I look at the pictures of them as little children and now as beautiful young women. I feel such comfort and peace.

Earlier this morning I read a small piece from Clarissa's book, Women who Run with the Wolves, a small story at the end called The Wolf's Eyelash. There, was a beautiful poem describing what a young woman saw after she was gifted an eyelash, the sight of the wolf. A small section summed it up so well for me;

She saw all things
with her lash of wolf,
all things true,
and all things false,
all things turning against life,
and all things turning toward life,
all things seen only
through the eyes of that
which weighs the heart with heart
and not with mind alone.

...and if you listen closely,
the wolf in its howling is always asking the most important question

aieeee th'
aieee th'
Where is the soul?
 Where is the soul?

Go out into the woods,
go out,
Go out into the woods,
go out'

Go out into the woods, go out.

If you don't go out in the woods, nothing will ever happen 
and your life will never begin.

I have walked into the woods a'many times this past year...and let me tell you it wasn't always a friendly place to be. I met many creatures of the forest and was tempted to run, to hide and never come out, however, I also was gifted with the teachings of so many. I would never have begun my walk if I never entered the woods. And now, it is coming together. I see things as they are, I am so much stronger and able to be with the moment that is. 

This time that we enter now is even harder for some as we wait for the sun to return. Oh, we want it so badly, we want that brightness, that warmth to reappear. The waiting is always such a time. The energy is so strong. The alignment of the planets speaks of transformative times. Of great changes within and without. For myself I notice acceptance I never felt before. My mind is so expansive and dreams the biggest dreams...while externally I cook and wash my dishes. I find myself working with my hands and creating instead of living in my dreams. My internal world shifts through so many lives beyond what is, yet I get up and I walk to work, I do what needs to be done. I see now. I see it is all good. This is the way, the middle way. The centre of the wheel. The centre of being and doing. Waiting, acting, sitting, waiting, acting, listening. I have learned patience. I am learning patience..... I am patience.

I am grateful for the year behind me and anticipating the year ahead. I wait for the next step beneath my feet to unfold before me. It is my choice. I decide which way to go. 

Do I stay in old familiar ground or enter the woods? How do I make a move?

Astrology can also guide us, can show us a way.

So much is happening. Such intense energy. 

"Some people right now leading up to the New Moon in Capricorn, are feeling the strong driving push for purging, cleansing and letting go. It is downright uncomfortable and possibly full of grief, intense emotions or even deep fears coming up. This is par for the course now. Go with it, be with it, accept it. Get some rest if you feel exhausted. It will shift soon enough....

Be honest with yourself.  Have you ignored the warnings and now conditions have worsened? You are a powerful creator. You can use your power to improve your life.  Have better relationships. Work with passion and feel good. Remember that, you have an important role to play or you wouldn’t be alive. You matter. You count. There is no one who can replace you. You are a valuable treasure."

You matter! 
You Count!

You are a valuable treasure!

We all matter!
We all count!

We are all beautiful treasures!

Now we begin the work. Now we look at the dreams and we begin to use our hands and build....slowly but surely, piece by piece with the wolf by our side. We begin to go through the labour of giving birth. It may be awhile before the "baby' is born yet we remember, whatever we choose to feed is what will come forth. And we know it is well worth the wait.

Question is which wolf will you feed? 

Can you welcome the sight of the wolf and reach for the skies?