We have to decide if we want to choose the way of the warrior. The way of facing the darkness that arises and greet it as a companion an ally, a friend. The way that is the harder more difficult path.

Change has been flowing at such a rigorous speed that there are times in these past few months I felt like screaming "Stop I can't keep doing this! It is too much!" .....yet instead I chose the power of the Priestess, the way of the warrior. The way forward towards my true Spiritual Self. I chose the harder path, the road that brought me forward and once again I chose to integrate the teachings I have been gifted with...a little more every day.
As I reflect back now on what this process was like for me I envision ripping and tearing and simultaneously wrapping the curtain ever so tightly around me to hold "me" within. I both loved and abhorred the curtains. How could I unwrap myself from these layers when it would leave me so exposed and vulnerable? How could I possibly face those things that I still continued to fear? Risk. This is the word that surfaces in my mind. The risk I had to take to stand raw and open. Perceived risk of exposure to cold hard winter winds. Winds that carried words of ridicule, judgement and criticism. Expose myself again? Had I not done that enough? What If I died of hypothermia? What if the energy carried by the wind hurt so bad I would retreat so deeply within I would not come out again? What if....I failed? ...or I couldn't do it? What if I put myself so far out there and the world saw who I truly was? What if.....
Every moment we are asked to open ourselves just a little more.....every cycle asks of us to do the work that is required to expose that raw beautiful Self that lies within. Each cycle has its own gifts. Virgo laid down the tasks that needed to be done in order to move into this space of Libra. Virgo asked us
to face that which is at our roots.....it asked of us so much more.
Now we move into Libra. We take it out to the world. we enter another level of relationships:
...We cannot help our need for reflection, validation and interdependence. Libra initiates us into this realm of experience. Libra says, “Let my life, let my interactions, let my relationships to all of life be connective in nature. May I give others the gift of feeling this connection. May they feel seen, may they know that they are interesting and may they feel valuable and worthy of another’s attention.” ......... Libra’s healing and medicinal qualities lay in its ability to remind us of the power of being in relationship to others, not dependent on, just connected to. Extreme isolation is one of the most damaging conditions for us to experience. It hinders our capacity to think, speak, move, grow and develop. Libra reaches out its hand to others and says, “Hey, let’s be friends!” And it’s that little gesture that can radically change another’s reality.
Libra and the equinox initiate us into a new season: we are deeply connected to the turning of the earth, the change of light and the shift in its cycles.
- See more at: http://www.chaninicholas.com/autumnal-equinox-new-moon-libra-means-seen-3/#sthash.9jy3PzYs.dpuf- See more at: http://www.chaninicholas.com/autumnal-equinox-new-moon-libra-means-seen-3/#sthash.9jy3PzYs.dpuf
We are deeply connected to eachother.
It is time for the harvest of all things to be stored for winter. To reminisce, to collate, to begin the process of turning inwards and allowing all that has been building to come together and be. To be....the beautiful vessel of nourishment and food for all....for the me within and the whole of me without, connected to all, a part of all.

I have made it.
I have dropped the curtains
and I see.
I see the simple
that is me.
I see the beauty
that is you.
I see the beauty
that is us all.
What a gift.
A beautiful
blessed gift.
So mote it be.
So it shall be.
And so it is.
Blessed Be <3