Monday, 9 March 2015

Being the Plant I Am

Its beautiful out today!

Spring is almost officially here. :)

Funny though, the day it feels the warmest and the brightest is the first day I feel the opposite on the inside.


I have a pretty good sense what this is about...and I think I will follow the mantra that was suggested on one of the astrology sites I follow.

I have posted the site that truly speaks to me right now on Hearth and Soul's Facebook page.

I certainly am grateful for these astrology reports...because sometimes just before I feel I might be swallowed up by my emotions I read these and I am able to become the observer of myself and take note of the energies that are at play.

Not only is Saturn due to go retrograde but the moon is waning and this past weekend I made some major decisions in my life.

I have decided to keep the baby. lol.

Its funny. When we are dreaming our dreams and formulating how we can co-create these with the Universe we are so pumped to see it manifest....and then when it does; when we do give birth and make the commitment to "marry" that dream or "keep that baby" all hell breaks loose. Fear and doubt begin to yell a little louder. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? ARE YOU NUTS? WHERE DO YOU THINK THE MONEY IS GOING TO COME FROM? DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN SUCCEED AT THIS? DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN DO THIS? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?

Time to Sit. To sit STILL.

DEFINITELY time to sit....or....To clean, to putter, to step away and be. Wash the dishes, hang the clothes, go to a friends house and watch a movie. Hug someone. Give a little love.

Just sit....



Step away from all the planning, organizing, emailing.....and

take a break.

As my daughter would say "mom, sometimes you drive me mad. You just don't know when to relax and let go" So true. So funny.

I have been gifted with a car for a month so yesterday we drove to the Conservation area and went for a hike.

What a BEAUTIFUL blessing.

I was home.

Time changed. Tasks that needed done were left behind. I became something other than my self (note the small s....)

I fully realize now that taking on these roles I have chosen to accept brings me to a whole new level of being that I am unaccustomed to. Of course a part of me is uncomfortable and scared and overwhelmed at times. Being a "new mom" or being "newlyweds" is NEVER a piece of cake. Of course we are anxious when we step into a new relationship/new way of being. That's perfectly natural....AND

....perfectly perfect :)

Pretty soon all this snow (all the layers on top of the new seeds within us as well) will melt and the plants will begin to emerge.

Freely and effortlessly.

In their own time.

Being who they are without any struggle .

Allowing.....or rather...


Being.        Love.         Herself.

 Growing and becoming what they (we) are


A piece of the great Mystery

As we are.

A child of the Universe.

We are the mud..


We are the plants.

We are the Universe.

We are perfect.

So. Now.

I can Be.

As Crystal B. Astrology says...

I got this.


Sage <3