Wednesday, 23 October 2013

I love those mornings where it is okay to lumber in bed and move little. I find it is the greatest time for receiving insight from the dream world and from that empty space between night and day. It is a gateway of sorts. A gate of power from one “moment of time” to another; the shifting of time, similar to the shifting of one season to another. We have been preparing ourselves for the dark season and now it feels like it is coming upon us very quickly. It is time to connect with ourselves in a deeper, inward way.

This morning though I woke up feeling a strong pull to go running. I have not been a “runner” for very long so when I saw the rain I was apprehensive at first to move at all. I have not yet run in the rain. I actually used to be someone who thought “those who run in the rain must be crazily obsessed”. It makes me laugh now how quickly I was to develop judgements about people. Now I am one of them!

While I was running there were some striking realizations I received from the running itself and the myriad of leaves that had fallen on the path.  I realized that my experience of this run was once again a parallel in many ways to life as it is right now, to the process I am moving through in strengthening my skills as an herbalist, coach or facilitator; and to the process of honouring and releasing the old and opening myself to the new.

Being a beginner runner I have to be conscious of balancing the pull to keep running and the need to break and walk periodically to provide my body with hydration. Initially, I resist even going, and when I do, for about 10 minutes it is extremely difficult to keep going at all. My body feels tired and weak and it does not give me any immediate pleasure. I have to push myself. There are moments my mind is telling me I am nuts and other times where I do not feel I can go on. Everything aches and my breathing is staggered. I remind myself to attend to the guidelines my trainer has suggested. Relax my shoulders, straighten my back, let my arms relax. Breathe through my nose. Feel my feet pushing 'back' on the earth in order to allow Her to support me as I take my next step forward. I and the earth work together. 

Each time I attend to these suggestions I feel stronger and more balanced. I feel able to keep going. There are definitely those times where I meet  walls that feel insurmountable but when I push myself beyond them I feel like I have passed through another gateway. I have pushed myself a little beyond what I thought I could do. I begin to “feel” differently. I feel the trees and the earth’s heartbeat. I feel the leaves as they fall and I feel those that have already fallen.

There are imprints in the mud where some of the leaves have landed. So many people have trodden over this path that some leaves have already begun to transform into something beyond themselves. Their original form has died, crumpled up and disintegrated. They have sunk back into the earth and are becoming part of the collective energy of the mud beneath our feet. They are no longer “only” a leaf. Not once did they struggle and resist. Not once did they fear their fate, the unknown of what was yet to come. They just were. Oh to be a leaf!

In some ways we are the leaf…..we are a leaf...with consciousness. Being human, with conscious awareness I am being presented with many things to contemplate at this gateway; this time of letting go, of dropping down into darkness. Am I committed to the herbs? Truly committed? Am I committed to being of service in whatever way She asks? How is the Universe showing me what to bring with me into the next cycle? Are their friends in my life that hinder me/ are unhealthy for me that I need to let go of? Or are there gifts I have received as confirmation these friends must come along? Am I able to allow? To allow things to fall away and regenerate into something new? I can feel the doors are opening. I feel tremors of change in the horizon, yet am I prepared to wait and listen in the darkness, to move with the natural rhythms of Life Herself, and be with what arises? Can I walk slowly through the gates of power, in the shadows and the starlight? 

Can I trust there is always a light that will guide me?

I think of a prayer in Thorn Coyle’s book “Evolutionary Witchcraft”, a powerful meditation/prayer during those times we must give ourselves over and walk through the dark.

“Holy Mother with whom we live, move, and have our being, from you all things emerge and unto you all things return….
Open our hearts this blessed day. Touch our bodies and our minds. Walk with us through the gates of power, in shadow and starlight, wind on the ocean and the sweet kiss of life.

Blessed be our journey.”

I know not where I am going, I receive hints along the way and I listen. I am committed to doing the work, to following the path and honor the changes. I accept all that arises and learn how to integrate the words of wisdom passed on to me. I am willing to be with all that is. I am willing to surrender, to allow myself to fall and become whatever I am meant to be.

Are you willing? 
Are you willing to be the leaf? 

That's all it takes. 
To be open, to see the world differently.

Death can be so beautiful!

All we are asked is to do our best. No one is judging us except ourselves. We have it within us. We can be here. One little step at a time. With love. One little step at a time.

Blessed be your journey…. into darkness….the turning of the wheel.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

An Adventure with Dandelion

Last month in our Herbal Living workshop we all chose a plant that we would develop a deeper relationship with for the month. I was pretty certain it would be smart for me to study one that I use on a frequent basis, however, Dandelion wouldn't leave me alone and was pretty determined that I spend time with it. So be it. I took my trowel and my bag and headed out to a field that I felt was relatively untouched by major pollutants or pesticides and started to dig.

I thought it would be helpful to share my process for those who might be interested in harvesting their own plants so I took some pictures of each step once I returned home. I did not think of this until I returned home, however, digging the roots was pretty basic....yet respectful in every way. I made sure to feel the response of each area I was to dig and listened carefully to the ones who seemed to approve. When I received a "no" in my head I acknowledged this as the plant speaking and moved on. I have to admit that has taken some time to get to this level of trust as prior to this my ego often wanted to let me know I was being ridiculous for even considering the idea, letting me know I was really being "off the wall" with these ideas. Fortunately now I kinda like being "off the wall"! 

I have displayed a sort of slide show to outline my process. This is my first time working with these pictures in this format so you'll notice its kinda choppy but hey....being technically correct is not the point here at all anyway! I must say that the entire process preparing the dandelions took a good chunk of my afternoon and early evening. It is definitely an activity that needs to be given time and attention......and truly.... isn't that how good relationships are formed?!

 Preparing the dandelion

After my adventure of digging up the roots we arrive home and now get ready to prepare some precious remedies and food. First things first....I have to wash the dirt off the plant and remove any travellers that joined us along the way.

Noticing the various sizes I determine what might be the easiest way to organize the leaves for later preparation. As you can see below, I ensure the stems are lined up neatly on a plate.

I have divided the larger and smaller leaves -- the smaller leaves for salad (they are a little less bitter) and the larger ones for stir fry and soup. It also makes it easier to tie the stems when I dry the remainder of leaves.


Once I have separated the roots from the leaves I chop them into small pieces and begin to place them in my jar to make a tincture.

As you can see, I filled up the jar about 3/4 of the way in order to leave room for the alcohol. Generally I use vodka, however recently in one of my courses; Heather Nic Fhleideir, an herbalist from Eugene, Oregon, talked about the value of using Scotch Whiskey as a menstruum. This was a bit of enlightening news as ironically never before did I really think about the medicinal properties of the alcohol itself. Scotch Whiskey is made from Barley and Barley is known for its emollient, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. She also said that it is best to buy the least expensive one. This totally surprised me yet made total sense as the cheaper the alcohol the higher the astringent properties and that is exactly what we are looking for! 

Once I fill up the bottle to the top I close the cap, I MAKE SURE I label the bottle with the name of the plant and the date of preparation. (I have thought in the past I would remember what it was, however, trust me not a good idea!)

My tincture is now done yet I may have gotten over excited with my digging and I have a tremendous amount of leaves and roots left so back to the beginning .....


....might as well enjoy a glass of the dandelion blossom wine I made in the spring, turn on the music and keep on with the chopping and sorting!

After a stretch of peaceful time with the dandelions...

and my cat Lucky supervising.....

 The leaves are cut and sorted, ready to be laid out and hung to dry and the roots  ready to be dehydrated.      

                After several hours in the kitchen, the roots are ready for dandelion coffee and tincture, the leaves are hanging .....(creatively I might add, as due to a lack of space I hung them on my indoor laundry line and kept them in the spare room away from curious cat eyes!) The fresh leaves are in the fridge for salads, wraps, soups or stir-fries! All is done.

Thank you Dandelion!