Maintaining Our Connection Throughout the Season
Time feels so strange right now. Everything feels so different when we move deeper into fall and winter. My experience with myself and Life itself is shifting as abruptly as the wind on a blustery day. There are days where I feel the sunshine within my soul and then the next day I could move just as quickly to be sitting in the darker caverns of my soul. One moment I feel like I have a greater perspective and feel much promise for the upcoming year and then “whoosh” the wind changes and I am sitting with some deep, dark, emotions that are bubbling to the surface and attempting to consume me. Thank Goddess for Her teachings and for the wisdom of the Tarot. Without the wisdom I have gained from being close to Her I am not sure that I would be able to remain in a place of witness when my emotions attempt to get the better of me.
Tis the time of Scorpio. Water. Emotions. Deep underlying emotions that are being dredged up to be healed. To be released.
I can honestly say from my experience if you are open to receive the teachings of each season - “watch out and remember to stay grounded and centred” These teachings will be showing themselves through whatever sign we are in and now is the time of turning inward, feeling death and decay and the emptiness that follows before the emergence of the new.
Interestingly enough, however, this morning I recognized something about my experience that I never really noticed before. I would have to say that it all has to do with my commitment to follow this path, do the work and open my mind consistently to what Life has to teach me.
I have been experiencing some pretty intense and deep emotions this past week, intertwined with a conglomerate of thoughts that are rising about certain perceptions and ideologies I have held within myself. In the past when I have experienced this array of emotions and thoughts I would feel a bit of anxiety as I would interpret this as a sign I was possibly beginning to feel a the heaviness of depression. Now, however, as I am much more aligned and in tune with the planetary cycles and lunar rhythms, I am able to see that this is perfectly normal for this period of time. What I am experiencing is a perfect opportunity to gain some further insight into what baggage I may still be containing deep within the depths of my consciousness and what still needs to be released. I see the beauty as I know that this is giving me an opportunity to create space within myself for the changes that will be presenting themselves in the upcoming season. It is an exciting time to say the know without a doubt that new life is wanting to emerge. That is the beauty here. NOTHING, absolutely nothing stays the same. Scorpio does not last. The cycle always continues to flow. As time progresses we slowly but surely move into the next sign and continue to evolve to the next step of our journey.
If only we were taught this when we were young! Imagine the freedom and anticipation we would feel as we move consciously from one season to the next. Always being able to have that larger perspective and not getting caught up in the drama of our emotions, knowing that as each situation, emotion or thought arises it is there to teach us and assist us as we evolve into our natural and true essence. It is Life itself growing, changing and evolving.
It is not an easy road to reach this place of knowing; and there will always be days where it continues to be a challenge, yet eventually the the darker times have little to none power over you than it had before and instead becomes your ally and your teacher. It becomes the power within.
“This is truly a time of transformation and there is much that ruthlessly supports this incredible time of change. It is uncomfortable, can be confusing and chaotic, and will test you to your limits. Is it all worth it? You bet. Who would not want to emerge a butterfly from the caterpillar? But first you must experience digesting yourself...
“There is a real opportunity for a bid for power through your own disciplines should you choose to step up. All martyrdom needs to be eliminated as well as procrastination, self-doubt and the attachment to worry. We must be disciplined against these low frequency behaviors and beliefs as much as being disciplined towards high frequency practices and intentions.
It takes work, dedication, discipline and commitment…..and NOT over a short period of time. It took me 50 years to get here so to think I can shift and change overnight, or even in a number of months or a couple years is not realistic. This work is not congruent with our societies ideas right now. Immediate gratification does not work. Easy does not work. Patience, time and love does work. Practice works. Community works. Having an open mind and willingness works.
Keeping hope and staying connected to the Nature of this time will very much help with staying grounded and centred in your essence.
Developing some tangible daily practices will help maintain your connection to the Larger essence and bring you in closer alignment with the season:
Do some sort of daily practice every day - whether it be journalling, meditating, or praying. Aligning your energies with Spirit in some way is the key. Even if lighting a candle and saying thank you is all you can do.
Challenge yourself to stay a short while longer with the emotions that arise through this time. Live with an inner conviction to do a little better each day with resisting the urge to run away; whether it be through eating emotionally, using substance to escape or drowning out your inner voice with external stimuli. Be present in the moment, in the shadow or the brightness.
Educate yourself a little with the energy of the time. Find a resource that fits for you, that speaks to you about the larger perspective, the energy of the sun, moon and planets. A couple sites that I have found very informative and insightful are and
Connect with community for support, shared visioning and motivation
For your physical well-being think about incorporating some herbs into your daily life. Infusions especially beneficial for women (which is primarily where my focus is) are Nettles, Comfrey, Oatstraw and Linden
As there are a lot of viruses around you may consider the idea of creating or purchasing from “The Hearth” a cold and flu remedy kit. You could include such things as Garlic/onion honey, lemon balm/apple cider extract, teas with St Johns, Lemon balm, Thyme, Peppermint or Echinacea .
Include herbs like Burdock and Dandelion to help cleanse your body of toxins
Perhaps during the darker months consider allowing the plants to be your allies with maintaining your energy and uplifting your thoughts. Skullcap tinctures, Hops, Chamomile and Valerian are all herbs that calm the nervous system.
Learn about which foods to eat with this season. Try to incorporate foods that are in sync with the fall and winter. Root vegetables, warm, nourishing foods. Eat foods that are cleansing for the body, that are easy for the body to assimilate rather than congesting, dense foods.
Feel the cold fall and winter air! No matter how cold and dark it feels, go outside and experience the season. Feel the cold, harsh, naked essence of nature. Let yourself be in that space. Go outside!
Nature is our Essence and
the Essence is our Soul
The Seasons give us flow
When we are in the Essence of the Season
We align
our Soul with Hers
and we know
we are One with all beings
through all times
and we are
Blessed Be!