Its amusing to me that I posted this last week, however, it appears I did not post all that wanted to be said.
I review what I posted and all kinds of images and thoughts arise in my head. I go back to the sub-title of this blog - Remedies for the Hearth AND Wisdom for the Soul. I have been invited in some way to share a few more thoughts before I post about the herbs.
I actually have a few conflicting thoughts about all of this stirring inside my head. I believe much of what has to do with integrating the voice of Sage with the voice of Ana. We all have these pulls of various parts of ourselves, all wanting to express themselves and all having opinions about one thing or another. So often the struggle in moving forward is that we really don't have a clue which 'voice' to listen to....which aspect of ourself is closer to our Soul and which aspect may need to be let go. If I were to separate these dialogues in this moment I would say that Ana is questioning the purpose and depth of these posts, wondering, "why in the world waste time writing about dream pillows and remedies when there is so many more important things that need to be addressed in the world? There are so many other things I could be doing to help the community, the earth, the world....."
Sage on the other hand is absolutely delighted to be coming out of the closet, is excited to be provided a little space to have some fun, not always be snuffed out by the idea that everything must have purpose and serve the bigger picture with serious fervour. Her thoughts are that perhaps this level of seriousness has a little to do with martyrdom? ..or with the idea that we must work REALLY hard and play BIG important roles in order to feel we have any value or worth.....Perhaps following joy and delight could ripple out in some way to create valuable change that has great impact as well?
Joy and Delight.
Not many of us are greatly accustomed to embracing these 2 words in our lives. I think Sage has a point. I choose to be Sage right now.
Small can also be beautiful :)
The Herbal Cupboard

Today I will post a few things I have created and observe what/ if anything emerges....
I have particular items in stock, however, I am also creating personalized herbal bundles for people dependant on their own needs. Each item is available individually as well.
If anyone is interested in purchasing any of these items on-line they can email me as I do have Pay-pal or we can do an e-transfer. I am also including information how to create these yourself as well.
You also can request herbal remedies/teas and have something
Just for You
Personal Consultations are available. :)
Just for You
Personal Consultations are available. :)
"Peace be with You"
Herbal Bundle
Herbal Bundle
A complete package for expanding peace in your life,
increasing those moments of restful sleep.
Connecting more deeply to your dreams
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Chamomile: Gently calms nervous system. Also good for little ones with upset stomachs.
Hops: The oil within Hops has an effect upon the nervous system and has been used to bring on sleep
Rose: Bring a sense of well being, evokes a spirit of love in the mind and heart
Lavender: Calming to the mind and body. Helps to alleviate headaches brought on by stress and fatigue.
Simply tuck this little pillow under your own and slip away into sleep with a little help from these lovely smelling herbs.
....... if you are inclined (and have the time) to make your own here are the instructions:
Create your own Sleep Pillow:
Get yourself some nice scraps of comfy fabric (I used some soft fuzzy old pyjamas) and cut it onto any shape you desire. Just make sure it is big enough to tuck a few herbs into. You will need needle and thread as well. I also used one of those little thimbles to be gentle to my fingers :)
Once your fabric is cut, choose which side you wish to have facing out and sew around 3 sides, leaving one end open to tuck the herbs in. Little tip to remember - to make it neat ensure you have the side of fabric you want exposed on the inside of the pouch so when you complete sewing the 3 sides you can turn it inside out and conceal your sewing job :)
You can use any combination of these herbs and even add Mugwort if you wish for it to serve more as a dream pillow. Another couple options for herbs are Lemon Verbana and Catnip (although if you have cats I am not so sure that is a good idea.. lol)
When deciding on how much of each herb to add, I generally base it on how the aroma of the mixture makes me feel in the moment. If its bringing me pleasure then I am guessing the mixture is about right :) It may be best to mix the herbs in a bowl prior to putting them in your pillow. Once you have found the combination that feels best for you empty the herbs into the pillow and sew it closed, then gift yourself with a beautiful blend of aromas to help you slip into the world of sleep.

Lavender and Hops (see above)
Double strand of elastic to keep pillow snug against your head comfortably. Perfect for those mornings you get to sleep in or for those days when you absolutely must have a nap and that light is just a little too bright.
To make the Eye Pillow simply follow instructions from the sleep pillow however cut the fabric the length from temple to temple so that when you hold it over your eyes very little light can sneak in. I found it best to sew 2 straps instead of only 1 as it sits much more comfortably on your head. (Especially if you move around a lot like I do!)
In my next post I will continue to display the herbal remedies/teas in this bundle.
For now we will start a little at a time just to get the momentum going :)
Packages that are in the works right now are:
Passage through Menopause
Easing Moontime
Energy enhancing
Cold and Flu Remedy kit
Easing Heartburn and Ulcers
Vibrant Root Chakra
Arthritis and Joint Pain
First Aid Kit
Kits can also be requested for children and pets
Requests can also be made for Custom teas.
...and remember.....
Personal Consultations are available
to make something
Just for You!
......or gifts for your loved ones :)
...and remember.....
Personal Consultations are available
to make something
Just for You!
......or gifts for your loved ones :)
Looking good Sage. I loved your bug stuff last summer and wouldn't mind getting some more. I also am interested in the sleep pillow with the hops. My eldest son was recently reading me some information about the herbal properties of hops. We have a microbrewery close by that grow their own hops. I have never tried "hopping" to sleep!