Its been 8 months since I arrived in this place.
I don't even feel like the same woman writing this. At least not the same "layer" of the woman that I was.
I have been writing a book for the past 71 days.
Yup. Exactly 71 days. I can actually say it out loud now without feeling absolutely ridiculous.
I am writing a book.
I have committed to at least 1000 words per day for 100 days before I reassess what the next step is. "Coincidentally", the 100th day turns out to be Beltane.

Not always an easy task.
Today, as I was leaning in I clearly heard the statement, "draw a card for the Collective." Shortly after, I heard a following thought that said for me to do this each week and enter it on my blog. This was a surprise as I have not even really thought of this blog for quite some time.
Well, as I am in a place of trusting my deeper instinctive Self this means if an idea rises from this place I honor it and I act. Sometimes this means just noticing and waiting for the right time. Today, it felt pretty clear that the time is now.
And so, here I am. Pulling the card for the week for the first time. We shall see how sustainable this is, see if it is something I will do as a part of my offering to the world...or if it is a one time thing. That is something I will be sitting with.
Its the Motherpeace Tarot I am invited to draw from today.
Interestingly, the 5 of swords fell out before I intentionally drew the card, so I have included that as well.
I'm going to digress for a moment as I've been with process a lot lately, and I want to acknowledge the struggle that is emerging as I write. "But, if I spend time with this I won't have time to bake my olive bread today! This is going to take so long!"
I recognize its about balance. I don't need to go into great depth. I don't "have" to go deep and explain the entire meaning of these cards.
I start where I am and view it from this place. I have already shared the post from "Hare in the Moon Astrology" on my Facebook page about the happenings with the planets (also Return of the WiseWomyn) and I can truly see why these cards came up. It is all connected.
Yes, we need to be careful and conscious, especially right now. Planets are going retrograde, planets are slowing, revealing to us those things that are ready for change, deep things that have been around for a long time. I'm feeling it.
We are vulnerable, we are at an edge of so many things. All the more reason to be conscious. All the more reason to slow down and be aware of our thoughts. Swords are mind. Bees sting. Bees can also be beautiful little creatures. It is up to us how we respond. We can struggle in the change or we can stand still and allow the bee to circle around us. We can stay centered.
I choose to stay, to lean in and honor that which rises. Even if it feels bigger than me.
I choose to listen to that Magician, the one who has all the tools she needs. The one who is ready to begin her journey of the next phase of her life. The next level of freedom, freedom from all those things that held me back in the past.
I am ready to meet the Priestess.
Today I take one step forward in service to the Collective and then I go bake bread, Kalamati Olive bread to be precise.
Today we can choose the Middle Way. We can be true to ourselves, draw on our gifts, be of service to the world and do what we love; what brings us joy.
What about you? What would this look like for you as we move into this incredibly powerful time?
(as we seem to be doing again and again and again ;))
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