Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Shifting into Sagittarius

I don't know about you but I can honestly say I am quite happy that we have left Scorpio and are emerging into Sagitarrius. For me, Scorpio was a deep, dark and intensely emotionally, healing time. Not that it wasn't amazing as far as transformations go but WOW the insights and realizations came from some pretty deep caverns and there were some pretty dark skies looming overhead. I am not sure what I am expecting for this next month but it sure would be nice for some of that fire energy to be present!....Well perhaps a small warming fire to be specific :)

Continuing to commit to move and live from our souls true essence is definitely not an easy task. I definitely know,however, without a shadow of a doubt, that it is so worth it to face the demons, learn to be with them, and learn how to let them be. I have been learning so much about living in the "Paradoxical Unity". Embracing all the parts of myself. Learning to be with my emotions more fully all the time. Being in the presence of power and in the presence of the scared vulnerable child within me at the same time. Knowing that one "Is", is only because of the other. We could never truly know power if we did not feel that sense of vulnerability and helplessness. Allowing myself to feel the light and the dark, the strength and the tenderness within me and holding both with love.....all the while standing in the middle, in a centred place is a tremendous task. I am sooo tempted to withdraw and distract myself with my old habits (especially those comfort foods and drinks) Quite the experience to stay on the path I have to say. It seems that no matter how long I walk this path I continue to be fascinated over and over again how my heart just continues to open and the healing continues to pour through. Sometimes it feels like the stronger the power flows through me, the deeper and the more intense the healing.

I recently joined this site called kindspring.org and right now they have this 21 day gratitude challenge going on. Today the question was "What have you lost and learned from?" This question today is definitely a gift as I am currently having to deal with more loss in my life and am asking for it to be put into perspective. I guess I have been gifted with a chance to do just that.

I have faced so many losses in my life in one form or another...whether it be family, friends, partners, my home, jobs, belongings, or habits, old ways of thinking or even addictions. We all have, and do, feel loss every day. Without these losses, this death, there would be no room for the new to emerge.

Sometimes though I feel like yelling and saying "enough! I don't want to deal with this any more!...I want something to take me out of this now! I want that home I dream of now. I want that job, I want that partner. I want to be loved. Now! Please take me out of this empty space!" Sometimes I wish I weren't me and I was a simpler, less complex person who just lived a "normal" life, with a "normal" job and family....(whatever that means!) Oh the illusions, the distorted fantasies. That damn ego. Resistance to what is always creates some level of pain. Pain is definitely a 2-edged sword. It brings such wisdom and yet it can be so tiresome. Another illusion..... how nice it would be to be free of pain. Pain is so often the gateway for connecting to All that is. I read an Oracle card today that said "Sometimes my heart needs to be watered by my tears." So true! Without water how can anything possibly grow?! Our heart needs pain just as much as it needs love! Again....One does not exist without the other.

I guess its all a matter of choice. Do I stay in resistance and pain....feeling sad and resentful for not getting what I want, whether that be love, approval, or things.... or do I feel it, embrace it, water my heart with the nourishing tears and then surrender myself to the Great Divine....trusting that all things emerge in the perfect way and the perfect time. I choose surrender...again...and again and again and again....

Expanding..Being...Contracting....expanding...being.....contracting......ever spiralling in and out, above and below and within......oh these cycles.....

.......my ability to trust in Life Herself is strengthened once again just a little bit more......

Blessed be your journeys...with love!


Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Maintaining Our Connection Throughout the Season

Time feels so strange right now. Everything feels so different when we move deeper into fall and winter. My experience with myself and Life itself is shifting as abruptly as the wind on a blustery day. There are days where I feel the sunshine within my soul and then the next day I could move just as quickly to be sitting in the darker caverns of my soul. One moment I feel like I have a greater perspective and feel much promise for the upcoming year and then “whoosh”  the wind changes and I am sitting with some deep, dark, emotions that are bubbling to the surface and attempting to consume me. Thank Goddess for Her teachings and for the wisdom of the Tarot. Without the wisdom I have gained from being close to Her I am not sure that I would be able to remain in a place of witness when my emotions attempt to get the better of me.

Tis the time of Scorpio. Water. Emotions. Deep underlying emotions that are being dredged up to be healed. To be released.

I can honestly say from my experience if you are open to receive the teachings of each season -  “watch out and remember to stay grounded and centred” These teachings will be showing themselves through whatever sign we are in and now is the time of turning inward, feeling death and decay and the emptiness that follows before the emergence of the new.

Interestingly enough, however, this morning I recognized something about my experience that I never really noticed before. I would have to say that it all has to do with my commitment to follow this path, do the work and open my mind consistently to what Life has to teach me.

I have been experiencing some pretty intense and deep emotions this past week, intertwined with a conglomerate of thoughts that are rising about certain perceptions and ideologies I have held within myself. In the past when I have experienced this array of emotions and thoughts I would feel a bit of anxiety as I would interpret this as a sign I was possibly beginning to feel a the heaviness of depression. Now, however, as I am much more aligned and in tune with the planetary cycles and lunar rhythms, I am able to see that this is perfectly normal for this period of time. What I am experiencing is a perfect opportunity to gain some further insight into what baggage I may still be containing deep within the depths of my consciousness and what still needs to be released. I see the beauty as I know that this is giving me an opportunity to create space within myself for the changes that will be presenting themselves in the upcoming season. It is an exciting time to say the least...to know without a doubt that new life is wanting to emerge. That is the beauty here. NOTHING, absolutely nothing stays the same. Scorpio does not last. The cycle always continues to flow. As time progresses we slowly but surely move into the next sign and continue to evolve to the next step of our journey.

If only we were taught this when we were young! Imagine the freedom and anticipation we would feel as we move consciously from one season to the next. Always being able to have that larger perspective and not getting caught up in the drama of our emotions, knowing that as each situation, emotion or thought arises it is there to teach us and assist us as we evolve into our natural and true essence. It is Life itself growing, changing and evolving.

It is not an easy road to reach this place of knowing; and there will always be days where it continues to be a challenge, yet eventually the the darker times have little to none power over you than it had before and instead becomes your ally and your teacher. It becomes the power within.

“This is truly a time of transformation and there is much that ruthlessly supports this incredible time of change. It is uncomfortable, can be confusing and chaotic, and will test you to your limits. Is it all worth it? You bet. Who would not want to emerge a butterfly from the caterpillar? But first you must experience digesting yourself...

“There is a real opportunity for a bid for power through your own disciplines should you choose to step up. All martyrdom needs to be eliminated as well as procrastination, self-doubt and the attachment to worry. We must be disciplined against these low frequency behaviors and beliefs as much as being disciplined towards high frequency practices and intentions.

It takes work, dedication, discipline and commitment…..and NOT over a short period of time. It took me 50 years to get here so to think I can shift and change overnight, or even in a number of months or a couple years is not realistic. This work is not congruent with our societies ideas right now. Immediate gratification does not work. Easy does not work. Patience, time and love does work. Practice works. Community works. Having an open mind and willingness works.

Keeping hope and staying connected to the Nature of this time will very much help with staying grounded and centred in your essence.

Developing some tangible daily practices will help maintain your connection to the Larger essence and bring you in closer alignment with the season:

  • Do some sort of daily practice every day - whether it be journalling, meditating, or praying. Aligning your energies with Spirit in some way is the key. Even if lighting a candle and saying thank you is all you can do.
  • Challenge yourself to stay a short while longer with the emotions that arise through this time. Live with an inner conviction to do a little better each day with resisting the urge to run away; whether it be through eating emotionally, using substance to escape or drowning out your inner voice with external stimuli. Be present in the moment, in the shadow or the brightness.
  • Educate yourself a little with the energy of the time. Find a resource that fits for you, that speaks to you about the larger perspective, the energy of the sun, moon and planets. A couple sites that I have found very informative and insightful are www.mysticmamma.com and  http://newparadigmastrology.com
  • Connect with community for support, shared visioning and motivation
  • For your physical well-being think about incorporating some herbs into your daily life. Infusions especially beneficial for women (which is primarily where my focus is) are Nettles, Comfrey, Oatstraw and Linden
  • As there are a lot of viruses around you may consider the idea of creating or purchasing from “The Hearth” a cold and flu remedy kit. You could include such things as Garlic/onion honey, lemon balm/apple cider extract, teas with St Johns, Lemon balm, Thyme, Peppermint or Echinacea .
  • Include herbs like Burdock and Dandelion to help cleanse your body of toxins
  • Perhaps during the darker months consider allowing the plants to be your allies with maintaining your energy and uplifting your thoughts. Skullcap tinctures, Hops, Chamomile and Valerian are all herbs that calm the nervous system.
  • Learn about which foods to eat with this season. Try to incorporate foods that are in sync with the fall and winter. Root vegetables, warm, nourishing foods. Eat foods that are cleansing for the body, that are easy for the body to assimilate rather than congesting, dense foods.
  • Feel the cold fall and winter air! No matter how cold and dark it feels, go outside and experience the season. Feel the cold, harsh, naked essence of nature. Let yourself be in that space. Go outside!

Nature is our Essence and
the Essence is our Soul

The Seasons give us flow

When we are  in the Essence of the Season
We align

our Soul with Hers

and      we      know

we are One with all beings
through all times

and we are

Blessed Be!

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

I love those mornings where it is okay to lumber in bed and move little. I find it is the greatest time for receiving insight from the dream world and from that empty space between night and day. It is a gateway of sorts. A gate of power from one “moment of time” to another; the shifting of time, similar to the shifting of one season to another. We have been preparing ourselves for the dark season and now it feels like it is coming upon us very quickly. It is time to connect with ourselves in a deeper, inward way.

This morning though I woke up feeling a strong pull to go running. I have not been a “runner” for very long so when I saw the rain I was apprehensive at first to move at all. I have not yet run in the rain. I actually used to be someone who thought “those who run in the rain must be crazily obsessed”. It makes me laugh now how quickly I was to develop judgements about people. Now I am one of them!

While I was running there were some striking realizations I received from the running itself and the myriad of leaves that had fallen on the path.  I realized that my experience of this run was once again a parallel in many ways to life as it is right now, to the process I am moving through in strengthening my skills as an herbalist, coach or facilitator; and to the process of honouring and releasing the old and opening myself to the new.

Being a beginner runner I have to be conscious of balancing the pull to keep running and the need to break and walk periodically to provide my body with hydration. Initially, I resist even going, and when I do, for about 10 minutes it is extremely difficult to keep going at all. My body feels tired and weak and it does not give me any immediate pleasure. I have to push myself. There are moments my mind is telling me I am nuts and other times where I do not feel I can go on. Everything aches and my breathing is staggered. I remind myself to attend to the guidelines my trainer has suggested. Relax my shoulders, straighten my back, let my arms relax. Breathe through my nose. Feel my feet pushing 'back' on the earth in order to allow Her to support me as I take my next step forward. I and the earth work together. 

Each time I attend to these suggestions I feel stronger and more balanced. I feel able to keep going. There are definitely those times where I meet  walls that feel insurmountable but when I push myself beyond them I feel like I have passed through another gateway. I have pushed myself a little beyond what I thought I could do. I begin to “feel” differently. I feel the trees and the earth’s heartbeat. I feel the leaves as they fall and I feel those that have already fallen.

There are imprints in the mud where some of the leaves have landed. So many people have trodden over this path that some leaves have already begun to transform into something beyond themselves. Their original form has died, crumpled up and disintegrated. They have sunk back into the earth and are becoming part of the collective energy of the mud beneath our feet. They are no longer “only” a leaf. Not once did they struggle and resist. Not once did they fear their fate, the unknown of what was yet to come. They just were. Oh to be a leaf!

In some ways we are the leaf…..we are a leaf...with consciousness. Being human, with conscious awareness I am being presented with many things to contemplate at this gateway; this time of letting go, of dropping down into darkness. Am I committed to the herbs? Truly committed? Am I committed to being of service in whatever way She asks? How is the Universe showing me what to bring with me into the next cycle? Are their friends in my life that hinder me/ are unhealthy for me that I need to let go of? Or are there gifts I have received as confirmation these friends must come along? Am I able to allow? To allow things to fall away and regenerate into something new? I can feel the doors are opening. I feel tremors of change in the horizon, yet am I prepared to wait and listen in the darkness, to move with the natural rhythms of Life Herself, and be with what arises? Can I walk slowly through the gates of power, in the shadows and the starlight? 

Can I trust there is always a light that will guide me?

I think of a prayer in Thorn Coyle’s book “Evolutionary Witchcraft”, a powerful meditation/prayer during those times we must give ourselves over and walk through the dark.

“Holy Mother with whom we live, move, and have our being, from you all things emerge and unto you all things return….
Open our hearts this blessed day. Touch our bodies and our minds. Walk with us through the gates of power, in shadow and starlight, wind on the ocean and the sweet kiss of life.

Blessed be our journey.”

I know not where I am going, I receive hints along the way and I listen. I am committed to doing the work, to following the path and honor the changes. I accept all that arises and learn how to integrate the words of wisdom passed on to me. I am willing to be with all that is. I am willing to surrender, to allow myself to fall and become whatever I am meant to be.

Are you willing? 
Are you willing to be the leaf? 

That's all it takes. 
To be open, to see the world differently.

Death can be so beautiful!

All we are asked is to do our best. No one is judging us except ourselves. We have it within us. We can be here. One little step at a time. With love. One little step at a time.

Blessed be your journey…. into darkness….the turning of the wheel.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

An Adventure with Dandelion

Last month in our Herbal Living workshop we all chose a plant that we would develop a deeper relationship with for the month. I was pretty certain it would be smart for me to study one that I use on a frequent basis, however, Dandelion wouldn't leave me alone and was pretty determined that I spend time with it. So be it. I took my trowel and my bag and headed out to a field that I felt was relatively untouched by major pollutants or pesticides and started to dig.

I thought it would be helpful to share my process for those who might be interested in harvesting their own plants so I took some pictures of each step once I returned home. I did not think of this until I returned home, however, digging the roots was pretty basic....yet respectful in every way. I made sure to feel the response of each area I was to dig and listened carefully to the ones who seemed to approve. When I received a "no" in my head I acknowledged this as the plant speaking and moved on. I have to admit that has taken some time to get to this level of trust as prior to this my ego often wanted to let me know I was being ridiculous for even considering the idea, letting me know I was really being "off the wall" with these ideas. Fortunately now I kinda like being "off the wall"! 

I have displayed a sort of slide show to outline my process. This is my first time working with these pictures in this format so you'll notice its kinda choppy but hey....being technically correct is not the point here at all anyway! I must say that the entire process preparing the dandelions took a good chunk of my afternoon and early evening. It is definitely an activity that needs to be given time and attention......and truly.... isn't that how good relationships are formed?!

 Preparing the dandelion

After my adventure of digging up the roots we arrive home and now get ready to prepare some precious remedies and food. First things first....I have to wash the dirt off the plant and remove any travellers that joined us along the way.

Noticing the various sizes I determine what might be the easiest way to organize the leaves for later preparation. As you can see below, I ensure the stems are lined up neatly on a plate.

I have divided the larger and smaller leaves -- the smaller leaves for salad (they are a little less bitter) and the larger ones for stir fry and soup. It also makes it easier to tie the stems when I dry the remainder of leaves.


Once I have separated the roots from the leaves I chop them into small pieces and begin to place them in my jar to make a tincture.

As you can see, I filled up the jar about 3/4 of the way in order to leave room for the alcohol. Generally I use vodka, however recently in one of my courses; Heather Nic Fhleideir, an herbalist from Eugene, Oregon, talked about the value of using Scotch Whiskey as a menstruum. This was a bit of enlightening news as ironically never before did I really think about the medicinal properties of the alcohol itself. Scotch Whiskey is made from Barley and Barley is known for its emollient, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. She also said that it is best to buy the least expensive one. This totally surprised me yet made total sense as the cheaper the alcohol the higher the astringent properties and that is exactly what we are looking for! 

Once I fill up the bottle to the top I close the cap, I MAKE SURE I label the bottle with the name of the plant and the date of preparation. (I have thought in the past I would remember what it was, however, trust me not a good idea!)

My tincture is now done yet I may have gotten over excited with my digging and I have a tremendous amount of leaves and roots left so back to the beginning .....


....might as well enjoy a glass of the dandelion blossom wine I made in the spring, turn on the music and keep on with the chopping and sorting!

After a stretch of peaceful time with the dandelions...

and my cat Lucky supervising.....

 The leaves are cut and sorted, ready to be laid out and hung to dry and the roots  ready to be dehydrated.      

                After several hours in the kitchen, the roots are ready for dandelion coffee and tincture, the leaves are hanging .....(creatively I might add, as due to a lack of space I hung them on my indoor laundry line and kept them in the spare room away from curious cat eyes!) The fresh leaves are in the fridge for salads, wraps, soups or stir-fries! All is done.

Thank you Dandelion!

Monday, 23 September 2013

Stepping into Autumn

I wrote last time about the importance of choosing one herb at a time as we begin opening to the plants. This month I would like to incorporate a broader perspective which encompasses every area of our life which I choose to call Herbal Living, especially since we have just experienced the turning of the wheel....the beginning of Autumn.  

You might discover as I write these articles that often the ideas and thoughts flow through me like waves washing over the rocks at the edge of a shore. There are definitely times where we focus on the smaller waves/ the day to day details of life; viewing things from a very simplistic standpoint, however, waves do come washing in that are much larger and all encompassing. These are just as important to honour and pay attention to.

In my life it is paramount for me to adhere to Life Herself and parallel my movements with the cycles of nature. This might be in honouring the shifting of the moon and rising and setting of the sun each day or it could be checking in where I personally sit in the turning of the wheel of the seasons. It might also be in comparing my own evolution to the cycle of life as it naturally evolves. Often in the past I had to learn to ground myself as my self-will; my ego,  attempted to seize the idea of immediate gratification and pull me into a whirlwind of activity and perpetual motion. Frequently I found myself making attempts to push things and force them to happen before their time.

Life Herself has much to teach us in the way we choose to move and take our next step forward. 

One such way is to stop and contemplate at the turning of the wheel at the Sabbats. To some these are holidays and weekends off or perhaps just a change in the weather. For others, however, these Sabbats are great moments of time to stop and assess where we are on the wheel; to celebrate, contemplate and give gratitude. Different Sabbats gift us with significant checkmarks, similar to an inukshuk placed in the middle of a vast field.This past week we have entered the time of the Fall Equinox or Mabon.

I found a couple great quotes explaining the essence of this time;

“This is a moment of perfect balance, for day and night are equal. Mabon is the ritual of rejoicing in the richness of the earth, and the power of the Sun, without which we could not live. It is the time to give thanks for their gifts and rejoice in the bounty we have harvested for ourselves in our work, our relationships, our spiritual journeys. This is also the time we reflect upon those aspects of our lives that no longer serve our growth and happiness and we let go of them so we may continue to grow.”                                                                     (“Witch Crafting” Phyllis Curott )

“....We take the time to give thanks for that which we have achieved. Like the grain gathered in the harvest and stored for the following spring, each achievement can be seen as the seed for the coming year’s activities” (“The Wicca Handbook” by Sheena Morgan)

In my own life I see this being paralleled in many different layers. As I grow In my business I give thanks for all the support, love and insight I have received since its birth in the early spring. I stop and observe the seeds/ the new plants I have sown and look at how I am nurturing them. I am open to the feedback that I might be giving them too much water and food, that perhaps I should back off a little and allow them to grow at their natural pace. I remember that how I nurture my business is a mirror to how I might nurture a new baby, or a little seed that has emerged into this world. 

Learning to walk takes time. Growing is a slow, steady process. New life needs to be nourished, respected and blessed. For life to evolve abundantly and to its full potential it is imperative we honour the natural cycle of Life Herself. We have to start off as infants. We have to be a child before we are an adolescent. We cannot be a crone or wise one if we never experienced life.  

Its September; new courses, new programs, new classes, new, new, new. There seems to be a lot more running around in the last few weeks. Yet in nature's time it is actually the balance between night and day, the time just before the plants and animals begin to withdraw and go within. This is the way of our ancestors. It was a time to honour the gifts of the previous season, to gather the harvest and get ready for the winter months. Soon they would retreat into their homes and pray for the warmth to return.

Unfortunately, (or fortunately) this is not so realistic in these times in which we live, considering we do have grocery stores and jobs and such to account for and depend on. It is realistic, however, to tap into the ways of our ancestors in the small choices we make, in how we choose to move doing ordinary everyday things. There are many ways we can do this.

As this article’s intention is to share the teachings of the plants, one thing we can focus on is how you could incorporate the herbs into your life in such a way that is in tune with the turning of the wheel. Perhaps you can take an inventory of the equipment/tools in your kitchen that are necessary for creating herbal remedies. Are there things you need to get rid of (or give away) in order to start something new? If you have already begun, what will you take forth that is useful for herbal living as you step into this next season? Your windows will be closed soon, keeping out the cold of the winter months. Literally, you can wash away the old stagnant energy and make way for healthy vibrant living.

I would like to share a couple recipes for cleansers that I have found very effective, simple to make and completely natural. I obtained them from a video by Heather Nic an Fhleisdeir.

Rug and Upholstery Powder :
quart jar
2 cups borax

in a coffee grinder (used only for herbs!) grind 1 tbsp. lavender
  1 tbsp. wormwood
  2 tsp peppermint
add to borax
add one tsp lavender essential oil
(if have problem with fleas add ¼ cup salt)

Shake well until you see all essential oil clots broken up
Sprinkle on carpet/upholstery.
Leave on 24 hours and vacuum up.

Cleaner for sinks, porcelain, stainless steel, ceramic tile, and fibreglass:
In mason jar combine:
½ cup borax
½ cup baking soda
¼ cup salt
½ tsp clear alcohol
½ tsp juniper essential oil (mix with the alcohol before mixing in powder)

Shake and enjoy the benefits and wonderful aroma of the juniper!

These are just a couple ideas, there are actually a good number of great natural recipes out there. The whole point is to begin and set an intention to clear away old in such a way that supports vibrant health for yourself, your family and the earth.

I invite you to stop and contemplate; to be present for this time of the year, then from that place take the next little step to become aligned and one with all of Life that evolves within and around you. All it takes is one little step at a time.

Blessed Be!

To learn about other workshops/ offerings Ana can be reached on
facebook: the hearth of the witch
or her website: thehearthofthewitch.com

Happy Mabon!