I am being gentle with myself for missing a week and I "know" it is all perfectly okay..perfectly perfect actually ;)

Its almost like being in one of those treasure hunts...but in a very fast "souped up" car. You are heading into unknown territory and you don't know where the clues are leading you but each time you go to claim the treasure there is another exciting clue so you jump in your car and chase after the next one. Filling your car up with all these amazing treasures. Each one is so thrilling that you don't even realize you haven't even really stopped to fill up with gas or that your car is getting filled to the brim with these treasures.....or that you have forgotten to stop and take a breather.
Until today. :)
Good thing food has been an exciting and important part of my life as I made sure that any pit stops I made I used the time to create nutritious and delicious mini meals. (which I guess was also at a high speed because it was all new and exciting creating vegan, raw foods)
I realize, however, that I have not really stopped to breathe. lol
I guess Air is an important element as well.
Now that I have pulled off the highway and am sitting in a clearing I realize (again) how important it is to remain conscious with how aligned we are with ALL the elements.
Reflecting on these past few weeks I can see that I have gone through a flux in relating to the elements.

Its funny because prior to the show I was EXTREMELY connected to Fire. My passion was high and I was driven. Almost every moment of my day I was involved in creating something or other for the show. I was VERY connected to my body as much of the passion I was feeling was around food and herbs. I also felt completely aligned with Spirit because almost every move I made came from a deep place within and I followed the "calling" without allowing doubt or fear to get in my way.
These processes are also very much like being pregnant and giving birth.
In essence I believe I had been working up to the show for months. For months I had been moving towards something and had not been clear what it was. As I got closer and closer to the "due date" I started feeling more pressure to have everything ready. I was starting to feel VERY full with promise and potential. I knew I was giving birth to something but really was not clear what "sex" it was...or for that matter whether this "baby" was even going to come out healthy.
Then the last week before the "due date" I started feeling this tremendous panic.
Oh my Goddess!...What if I look like a fool? What if people laugh at all my home made remedies and signs and see me as a little child? What if nobody is interested? What if I don't know how to handle this, or how to talk? Its been years since I "exposed" myself........what if, what if, what if.....
Labor pains.
Labor pains are NOT easy. Labor REQUIRES the breath. Labor requires presence.
Labor requires staying connected.
During my labor I am so grateful I remembered to breathe. I remembered to ground. I was able to primarily stay present. I was able to choose Faith that everything was perfect as I was giving birth to something that Life Herself had been forming and creating. I had been merely the vehicle.

I went into full blown labor and gave birth. Naturally.
No C-section necessary for this birth. :).
A natural home birth.
All around me I felt this celebration , this community forming, this blessing of new Life. This blessing of a new sense of Self. A blessing of having the strength and courage to be present.... with complete trust that if I could stay in a place of non-attachment all that was emerging was perfect.
And then....
I arrived home.
I was elated and thrilled at all the new possibilities, new community, new insights and just...NEW LIFE.
I started moving forward immediately....full steam ahead.
I am VERY grateful that it didn't take too long for me to notice....(or as my friend says "the turn around time was shorter")...... that I did forget for a short time that ......
when we give birth to new life IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE with that new life.
To realize the power of being present with it.
To hold it close, cherish it....and simply Love it.

I remember when I brought Kelsea home (my first daughter) I felt like I had brought someone else's baby home for awhile. It felt almost like I was renting rather than owning. Sounds terrible but in truth that is how I felt at the time...it was such a foreign experience for me to bring home this tiny being full of life. With all my preparation I felt so lost and uncertain how in the world I was going to take care of this little precious being.
I had prepared myself to the hilt with support groups and prenatal classes and books but when it came time to bring her home I felt like I landed on another planet with a whole new set of rules and language.
It kind of feels like that right now.
Well, until today.
I felt like I had fallen off the face of my familiar planet and had landed in this new territory, discombobulated and completely unclear of which step to take, let alone what path to step on. Only thing was....I jumped immediately in the car again and started racing towards the new possibilities.
Thank Goddess I received some healing energy yesterday and some sound advice today that cleared away the beginnings of a possible chaotic and messy "unfolding mystery"

ride in the country.
So.... today I sit. I embrace and I nourish all that has been born.
I sit with gratitude and I sit in stillness.
Listening and being.
myself and ALL that is.
Being with all that I am. Staying connected to ALL the elements.
Remembering it is not quite springtime yet.
There is no hurry.
I feel somewhat like I shed a skin and am emerging a new level of
Birthing my Self, my Soul a little closer into being....
Thank Goddess ....and thank all my sisters and brothers (in human and other form) for being with me and supporting me EVERY step of the way

Blessed be!
Sage *
Show? You had a show? Sounds wonderful!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, most especially about the part of remembering to come home to yourself!
I am so very happy for you.