Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Early tomorrow morning is the new moon. A New Moon in Cancer. May be potent considering the moon affects water and Cancer is a water sign. The moon will be in Her element. Makes me think about my experiences lately and how it feels like every day my path is becoming clearer and clearer and how I too am feeling aligned and in my element. I am definitely moving downstream with the river.

Depends largely though on my ability to accept and trust whatever Life hands me. Easier sometimes than others. It seems the farther downstream I go, the deeper and truer I see myself. I have been invited to look at some truths beyond the ordinary world that are triggering a lot of old paradigms to emerge. Paradigms that have kept me trapped in old illusions of how I have defined myself. Trapped but "safe" as well. Words and images are arising that tempt me to swim toward the shoreline and start walking back to where I came from. Lately the words "this is ridiculous" keeps repeatedly popping in my head. Thoughts about how I may be a mad woman. Slightly crazy 'they' might say. As I listen to these words emotions start simmering and I feel a touch of the old anxiety beginning to tremble. Old fears of being ostracized, ridiculed and judged.

It seems I have some choices to make. I can turn my face, my being around and go back to the safe old illusions or I can choose to keep going downstream. I could choose to swim to the shoreline and sit on the shore quietly with these words and images. I could take the time to interact a little more closely with these thoughts. Ask it questions, seek to understand the root of it. Perhaps as the Buddha says I can even sit down and invite these frightening thoughts to share a cup of tea. The more I breathe in these notions of looking ridiculous or crazy the more I am able to separate myself from the attachment I have with them. The more I am able to integrate them into my whole being.

Thorn Coyle calls this "Integrative Magick". She shares a wonderful exercise called Kala or a "rite of unbinding" that has helped me tremendously. Simply put, in this exercise you get a chalice or sacred cup and sit down with your breath, circulating your energy and filling your body with the Life force. After grounding  you hold the chalice in your hands and begin breathing in that thought or feeling you wish to unbind or heal into the water. Once you feel complete with this you then connect again to Life Force, feeling Her fill you and flowing into your being. When you feel full of her essence you begin sounding a tone into the water. Her tone. Her essence of love. When you feel the water is full of Her essence you drink the water down, imagining the water flowing through your body bringing life and healing. Giving thanks and a prayer. (you can see her book "Kissing the Limitless" for a detailed description )

Aligning with and accepting all of whom I am is the key to my evolution as a soul. Owning all parts of myself. Crazy and logical. Ridiculous and sensible. Dark and light. I am all of these things and until I learn to sit down and share a cup of tea with every aspect of myself I will never be whole. Time to sit again....and again and again. Sit and walk. Simultaneously. One foot in front of the other. I am The Fool beginning her Journey. Again and again and again.....

Blessed be your journeys!

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