Monday, 2 July 2012

I woke up this morning and realized I had  not changed my calender over to July and what I read when I turned it over was exactly what I needed to it felt like a great little piece to share this morning:

Wherever you Stand

Know there is a river flowing now, very quickly. It is great and swift, and those who are afraid will try to hold fast to the shore. They will suffer greatly, for in this way, they shall feel torn asunder. Know that the river has its destination.

We must learn to let go of the shore, even take to the torrent. We must keep our heads above the water and our eyes wide open. See who your companions are, and be glad!

Tread this world lightly; leave only a trace.
Everything that you see can be a sacred space.

So wherever you stand , be the soul of that place.

(Celtic Blessings calender, author unknown)

This is so fitting for me right now. Standing and Being the Soul no matter where is a high challenge at times. Lately I have been feeling propelled to let go of some groups and other things and it is leaving me with this great sense of emptiness and "aloneness"  (bordering on loneliness). I even cleared my altar and it sits there pretty well completely bare. My insecure, vulnerable self wants desperately to move into a place of self-pity and control; pushing me to do something so I don't have to feel this way. I choose to remain solid in my faith. I am being asked to sit still and wait. I pulled the Seven of Pentacles in my Tarot reading yesterday and it said it also very well;

 "Seven of Pentacles reflects a situation where we are called upon to decide between the security of what we have already built and the shaky, uncertain possibilities of a new direction which may or may not lead to future success. One pole represents the safe choice, although there is implied in such safety the danger of stagnation and even misfortune if something "divinely inspired" is rejected in favour of what is secure but lacking in vitality.The other pole represents something possibly risky, even dangerous, perhaps 'immoral' in the sense that it flies in the face of popular opinion..."

Staying where I have been definitely felt safer. I felt part of something, I belonged somewhere. I didn't expect to feel so alone. Now I am in the river flowing downstream and have no idea where it is taking me. I have a choice. I always do. Some time ago I made a commitment that I was going to honor my heart and follow where it was leading me even if it made no rational common sense. I was going to develop a stronger trust in my self, in my own intuition. Well I guess now its up to me to decide if I hang on tight to the shore or trust, let go and go for the ride down the river. Danger, intrigue and mystery.....That to me sounds like it could be a  heck of a lot more fun so I guess I might as well get on with it. Eyes wide open...

Enjoy your ride!
Blessings and peace

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