Today is such a day....and I have absolutely no idea what words will be coming out of me.
I take a deep breathe and I ground. I ask for guidance. A necessary act many times during the day. Every day. The act of surrendering my ego and turning myself over to a greater power.
I am reminded of the many blessings in my life and the many changes I have gone through in such a very short time. I am grateful to my allies, physical and non-physical, for the tremendous amount of support I have received as I have moved through the dark night of the soul. I am thankful for the privilege to now become an ally or guide for others who are opening themselves to truth and are willing to step into a place of action to create the changes necessary in their life in order to become whole once again. So many of us are so fragmented. So many of us have split our selves from our souls and so many of us have no knowledge whatsoever that we have even become this way.
I have been blessed in that I have been able to be with truth and bring back those parts of myself I had abandoned for so many years. I was recently reading Clarissa Pinkola Estes' book "woman Who Run with the Wolves" and realized again at a deeper level how many of us women have given away the wild instincts within us in order to obtain those things in the world we thought were necessary for our survival. Those things we were "told" were necessary for our survival. I have also been reading through Caroline Myss's book "Sacred Contracts" and was reminded of the four major archetypes of Child, Victim, Prostitute and Saboteur that are at play in our lives every day.
It was actually a small act at work that seemed to precipitate this reading and brought it altogether. A very simple choice that turned out to be a choice that had great significance in bringing back parts of myself I had lost. The simple act I did was to say "no". Simple as that, yet turned out to be a paradigm shift in my relationship to the Victim and Prostitute's archetypes. I had broken a pattern of taking responsibility for others choices and had not been willing to "sell myself" for the sake of external acceptance or validation. As quoted in Carolyn"s book, "I made a commitment to myself to act in behalf of my own well-being no matter how uncomfortable it made those around me." At the time I did not realize I was making this commitment. Things are no longer the same as they were. A simple act. An act I have made many times before yet this time one that seemed to have shifted everything. Perhaps I have shown my Self that my loyalty to my "Self" is steadfast. A simple thing to let my Self know that I am no longer willing to betray or abandon my Self to please another or avoid conflict or whatever the consequence. I am willing to be honest and speak my truth and I can live with the consequences of my choice. All to be true to me. To integrate my being so I may become whole. To become who I am meant to become. Be whatever She asks.
The only reason I can now live with these consequences is because I have walked through the dark long enough to build a level of faith that I know without a doubt if I follow what has heart all will be okay. Day always follows night. Always. All will be as it is meant to be and I am ALWAYS taken care of.
I give thanks to those spiritual teachers who have brought me here. Especially those who through dark and terrifying acts forced me to see truth and take action to save my Self, my Soul. As Souls I will love these people forever for helping me evolve. As is best I continue to set my boundaries and keep a distance.
May all who have the niggling feeling something is wrong, something does not feel quite right have the will, courage and strength and to begin to listen and ask what they might do to honor their own Soul, seek out others to become allies with and become who they truly are.... Truly magnificant beings.
Blessings and Love
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