Once I moved through the whole process I was gifted with some powerful insights that I thought might be helpful for others to hear.
I suspect that the beginning of this process was triggered by the collage I had created that afternoon. After I had put everything away I noticed I was experiencing this sensation of an ending of sorts meandering quietly through me and this great sense of disappointment. I was totally lacking any insight about what I was to do next and knew without a shadow of a doubt that this had much more to do than it just being the end of the afternoon.

Just when things were starting to come together.
All the momentum I had been gathering since the Solstice seemed to abruptly come to a stop. That elated sense of commitment and drive that had been enveloping me dropped from 100 - 10....
To help you get a sense of what I am talking about maybe it would be a good idea to fill you in a little ;)

A small portion of a dream I had the following night illustrated quite effectively what was actually occurring in my life quite well. I had been on my bike going up a mountain and I was getting very close to the top.....I was pushing forward with all my might; however, as my energy was almost depleted I was slowing down dramatically. Regardless, I continued moving forward. I knew a bus was stuck behind me but I was determined to get to the top and was not letting anything distract me or pull me off course. I did not pull over and eventually I made it to the top. Unfortunately, as soon as I arrived I noticed both my tires were completely flat. I could go no further....yet.... as soon as I arrived there in front of me was a pumping station conveniently there to to blow up my tires. Regardless of the fact that there were pumps immediately available, I still felt this incredible sense of disappointment and frustration as I had no choice but to stop before I could continue on my journey.
Two things I noticed.
1. In the dream I did not even stop for a second and celebrate the fact that I had just biked up this incredibly enormous mountain safely and with good speed....I had not even taken the time to absorb what it was for me to bike that far, nor did I realize that I was being offered an opportunity to fill up my tires before continuing on the next leg of my journey.... in essence I did not even consider the idea of pausing and allowing myself time and space to energize, nourish and basically restore myself with some self love before continuing on my journey to the next mountain.
2. I did not even think of expressing one iota of gratitude for the gift of the pumping station ready and waiting for me at the top of the mountain....let alone my body's ability to do the journey in the first place!

Definitely time to surrender to the Greater Mystery and let go of any preconceived notions that I knew what was going on!
With trepidation (much less than the past I will say that!...AND am grateful for ;)) I accepted and followed the flow of what was in front of me. My daughter needed my attention (she was struggling with a bad cold and sore throat), dishes were piling up, food had to be prepared and I had to work at 4:00 pm. I dove in and responded.
Following the call of family and simple mundane tasks has its own magic.
I realized something far more powerful was emerging...and I believe this was only because I listened and chose to surrender to the moment. I received some solid evidence that I totally do not have to know what is coming next, that what I think is going on is often not what is unfolding at all.
As the day progressed I :
- devised a whole herbal program (to be posted in future blog) for my daughter to use as she was suffering from something we "diagnosed" (through the help of the internet ;)) as Viral Pharyngitis.
- prepared some quinoa to have ready for different meals as I was returning to my busy schedule of work this week
- took out some frozen home-made soups and meals for the next couple days (prepared during my spare time so that while I am busy I don't return to my old habits of slapping food together)
- did some very effective organizing in the kitchen
- wrote a letter to someone with such clarity and truth that it was paradigm to a shift I am making towards only choosing to do and be with those people that are in favor of my highest self and my passions
- wrote a big portion of this blog
Who says there is not enough time to follow our passion and remain committed to our Selves each and every day? I have a feeling it all has to do with how much we are willing to surrender to what is in the moment and trust where our hearts lead us.
One little step at a time.
I am so grateful for this moment exactly as it is.
Blessings with your commitments!!
Sage <3
........I would invite you to read this "Sounding of the Heart" by Sophia Bonnie Wodin as it brings this all together quite beautifully as well
Lovely blog post, Sage. I am so happy for you that you are listening to those inner voices, those hunches that can open the door that need to be open. May the blessings of possibility continue to flow!